Lyft & Uber Drivers Rules & Regulations
As of 12/28/17
In order to conduct business at the Sioux Falls Regional Airport, drivers operating for ride-share companies Lyft & Uber MUST follow the established rules to pick-up and drop-off passengers at the terminal:
- All Lyft & Uber drivers MUST have a pre-arranged match prior to entering the designated drop-off/pick- up area located on the center medium outside the luggage claim exit. (Exhibit B).
- Drivers are NOT allowed to stage, wait or park in any other areas of the Airport other than the Holding Area (Cell Lot shown on Exhibit A). No waiting in the drop-off/pick-up area.
- No Vehicle shall loop in excess around the terminal area or around any part of the Airport property while waiting for a pick-up. Vehicles must depart drop-off area immediately after passengers have left the vehicle. Drivers cannot leave their vehicles unattended in front of the terminal. Violators will be subject to suspension or termination of privileges to operate at the airport.
- Each Driver will maintain information on his or her smart phone while using the Lyft or Uber app that will be used in lieu of a tangible Airport decal or transponder. This "Digital Decal" will allow the Airport to confirm the following information for any Driver or Vehicle using the App while on Airport grounds:
(1) Name or logo of the Operator
(2) Driver identity and color photo;
(3) Vehicle make, model;
(4) License plate number;
(5) Certificates of insurance; and
(6) An electronic waybill that meets the criteria set forth below. - Drivers must show airport personnel (Sioux Merchant) upon request an electronic waybill which shall state the Passenger's name, the location of the pick-up, and the time the pick-up was scheduled. For Passenger pick-ups at the Airport, the waybill shall be prepared prior to entering the Drop-Off/Pick-up Area.
- All Lyft & Uber drivers will display a Lyft or Uber logo/emblem that is visible from the exterior in the lower right side of the front windshield of the vehicle.
- In addition to the items listed above, all Lyft & Uber drivers are prohibited from the following:
(a)Turning off or disabling the App when a Vehicle is on Airport property, unless the Driver is departing the Airport after a drop-off;
(b) Allowing operation of a Vehicle on Airport roadways by an unauthorized driver;
(c) Transporting a passenger in an unauthorized vehicle;
(d) Picking-up or discharging passengers, or their baggage, at any location other than the Designated Areas;
(e) Failing to provide information, or providing false information, to police officers or Airport personnel;
(f) Displaying, to any police officer or other Airport Authority representative, a waybill in an altered or fictitious form;
(g) Soliciting passengers on Airport property;
(h) Using or possessing any alcoholic beverage while on duty;
(i) Failing to operate a vehicle in a safe manner as required by the State of South Dakota Motor Vehicle Code, local laws, and the Airport Authorities Rules and Regulations;
(j) Failing to comply with posted speed limits and traffic control signs;
(k) Using profane or vulgar language in the presence of any member of the public or Authority-Related Personnel;
(l) Attempting to solicit payment in excess of that authorized bylaw;
(m) Attempting to bypass the App and solicit cash payment from Passengers;
(n) Soliciting of any activity prohibited by the applicable laws, rules or regulations;
(o) Operating a vehicle which is not in a safe mechanical condition or which lacks mandatory safety equipment;
(p) Leaving a Vehicle unattended;
(q) Using or possessing any illegal drug or narcotic while on Airport property;
(r) Operating a vehicle without proper certification or at any time during which Operator's authority is suspended or revoked; and
(s) Re-circulating anywhere at the Airport except directly to the Drop-Off/Pick-up Area or Holding Area;
(t) Operating a Vehicle on Airport property without the approved Lyft or Uber Logo/emblem;
(u) Engaging in any criminal activity; and
(v) Waiting for a passenger match while in any area of the Airport other than the Holding Area.
Violators of the above regulations will be subject to discipline including the blocking from taking trip requests on the Lyft & Uber apps and prohibited from operating at the airport.
The established pick-up/drop-off location as well as the Holding area is defined below. Also shown is the geo-fence around the airport property which will identify and count each drop-off and pick-up. A $2.00 trip fee will be collected for every pick-up and a $2.00 drop off fee for every drop off.

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