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Minimum Standards

As adopted on August 22, 2024, these are the minimum standards for the Conduct of Aeronautical Activities at Joe Foss Field in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

Under State of South Dakota Title 50-6 & 50-7, the Sioux Falls Regional Airport Authority (the Authority) is charged with the safe and efficient operation of Joe Foss Field (the Airport). The Authority may prohibit or limit any given type, kind or class of use if such action is necessary for safe operations or to serve the civil aviation needs of the public. The requirements imposed on those proposing to conduct an aeronautical activity at the airport relate primarily to the public interest. 

Please find a downloadable file below for further reference and more information.

Download Minimum Standard Files

These minimum standards are designed to protect airport patrons from irresponsible, unsafe, or inadequate service. The cost of meeting reasonable standards must be accepted as a normal business expense. Minimum Standards serve the objective of promoting safety in all airport activities, maintaining a higher quality of service for airport users, protecting airport users from unlicensed and unauthorized products and services, enhancing the availability of adequate services for all airport users, and promoting the orderly development of airport land. The fairness and reasonableness of standards normally is judged against the background of general practices which have found acceptance at airports of comparable size and situation.

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